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Bradford White Defender Water Heater

These water heaters utilize a draft diverter and are atmospherically vented with capacities ranging from 29 to 60 gallons and inputs ranging from 30,000-50,000 BTU’s. These models are perfect for many standard water heating applications.

Harker Star Rating:

This is Harker’s expert opinion on the product as a whole. Intangibles such as durability, ease of repair/install, and value are taken into consideration. We want to make it clear that we do not offer any bad products. Not every product can be used in every situation, so sometimes a 3-star product will be a better fit than a 5-star. All star ratings are pure opinion.

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  • Enhanced Performance
  • Advanced Temperature Control System
  • Intelligent Diagnostics
  • Pilot On Indication
  • Green LED
  • Separate Immersed Thermowell

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